Sunday, August 27, 2006

AT&T, Verizon & Bellsouth Sell Out Their Customers

(Post courtesy "Sea of Noise")

AT&T to Customers: Up Against the Wall!

Your world. Delivered. To the NSA.

Verizon & Bellsouth Sell Out Their Customers, Too!

...and it's not just AT&T:
The nation's largest phone companies -- AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth -- reportedly have been providing the National Security Agency with call records of millions of Americans.

Not because the government ordered them to, mind you. Because the government paid them to.

Kudos to Qwest for respecting their customers' privacy.

73 Days to election 2006 & Laughing is the Only Way to Make it

I live and vote in a Blue State. Actually, I have been blue since Election Day 2004 (well.. actually 2000, but you probably knew that). Unsure how to survive it, I think I've been holding my breath for the last two years - hoping the damage isn't too great and everything I believe in is still recognizable in 2008. I think I've become cyanotic -- complete with blue fingernails -- waiting to breath again.

Of course, that's an exaggeration - I do get some fresh air intake - - it happens when someone makes me laugh at the situation we've gotten ourselves into with GW & Company. Jon Stewart has been a lifeline. Colbert helps, too. Then today, a new friend introduced me to a local Connecticut writer, Jeff Schult's blog - and a piece he wrote in late 2004, "Red Talk, Blue Talk and Vice Versa ..."

Several hearty laughs and a shake or two of my head and I'm a brighter blue.

I'm thinking of emailing Jeff and asking him for an update -- even with Election 2006 coming soon -- I've a feeling I'll need many more laughs to make it through to 2008.