Thursday, March 30, 2006

Let's live as if fear did not rule

Let's live as if fear did not rule our lives and perhaps, it won't.

Fear of . . . is the devil of our existence - fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of intimacy, fear of those who are different from us, fear of those who act out the secret, unapproved of parts of ourselves we keep hidden, fear of death and fear of never really having lived. Especially now, during a time when our country has allowed fear to make fundamental changes to the way we live together.

We've allowed fear to blind us to the true villains:
~ disease, poverty, abuse, cruelty and avarice;
~ and those who would legislate away our civil rights and freedoms in the name of safety and security and who condemn and threaten the others who recognize these villains for who they really are: the fearful and the exploiters who believe they can sustain their anti-constitutional "security measures" in the name of patriotism and suppress those who speak out in alarm by intimidation.

Act fearlessly upon what you believe is right. Act neither with arrogance nor aggressiveness nor require the absence of fear. Fearlessness requires only conviction, faith and courage.

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